The Karna Family Genealogy Homepage

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My name is Alan Karna. I have two families. Both with similar backgrounds. Both with very interesting histories. Most of my ancestors in both families came from Finland. Some came from Belgium, Czechoslovakia, France, Germany, and Sweden. Perhaps there were others.

The Karna family originated in Finland and were originally the Kankaanpaa family. They moved to the U.P. of Michigan over a century ago. Some of them renamed to Kangas, another Finnish name. Others renamed to Karna, not to be confused with the (East) Indian name, they took their name from the Karna islands in finland. This page is mostly dedicated to the research and genealogy of the Kankaanpaa/Kangas/Karna families. However, I would also like to eventually branch this site out to research the Rauhio/Michaels/Martin families (my mother's side) as well.

My other family, the Petrosky family may also be explored.

I have the blood of the Petrosky family, and the heritage and history of the Karna family. I have the love of both families.

I set up this pageSunday, September 21, 2003. I was 23 years old, not long before i got a career and no longer maintained it. It still stands incase I get back to it one day. I intended to maintain it throughout my life. Hopefully, depending on both my own future and the future of the internet, this site will be continued long after I die and keep a historical record of these families... reaching as far back as possible, and extending as far into the future as possible. Thank you for visiting.

If you have any information on any of these families, do not hestiate to e-mail it to me.

You may wish to check out my other websites that are up and running:
My personal website,
CAVEMAN: The Internet Game (made in 1996/97 when I was 16/17)

You may also wish to check out these other related websites:
Story behind Karna (Indian folklore)
The Kangas Genealogy Project
Where the Kangas Roam
Kankaanpaa, Finland
Kankaanpaa, Finland travel guids
(Note the kankaanpaa family and the town of kankaanpaa have little to do with eachother, it's just here in case a search brought you here) Kankanpaa Message Board at

The Karna Family Genealogy Page was created and is maintained by Alan Karna.
Last updated on: 2012/11/7